Once you have created something that people can sign-up for, a freebie for instance, you need to reach out to them in order to get their attention. You need to get people to sign up for it in a big way.
So the first really big way you can get people to sign up for your freebie is by using Facebook Ads.
1. Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are so powerful when it comes to list-building. It is one of the biggest ways people have built email lists. You might not want to pay for it but seriously you can really scale your business fast with these Ads. It can really help you to get to 1000 subscribers fast.
The best part is that it doesn't have to cost a fortune. If you do it right if you can definitely get your leads down so that you're getting subscribers for a dollar or even less than a dollar. In some ads, as you’ll see, you can get people to sign up for as low as 30 cents only.
Once people are on your email list you can then build a relationship with them and you can offer them the services, products, digital products, that you have available for them and turn them into customers. It's worth doing. Sometimes you have to pay to play and Facebook Ads is an amazing way to scale. Think about the freebies that you offer and think about the kind of ads that you could create to get people to sign up.
Pro tip: The more simple the ad the better it converts.
Create an incredible and beautiful graphic that really aligns and resonates with your audience and your brand and then just keep the description really short.
2. Create Content around them

The second way you can get people to sign up for your freebie is to create content around them. For example, whenever you are doing a free video series and getting people to sign up for it, always create a blog post to tell people about the video series and the transformation they're going to get when they sign up to the video series. Send an email to your existing list and put out Facebook ads.
Put out posts on social media to drive people to that blog post and then on that blog post say click here to join us for this video series people it's going to be amazing.
You could do it that way or you can even create a video to let people know about the freebie that you have. For example, if you've put together an amazing checklist or you've put together a daily planner that's going to be so helpful for your audience, then you could create a video to tell them why it's going to be amazing. Why they absolutely need to download it.
Tell them the transformation they are going to get when they download and take action on what it is that you've created. Create content around your freebie and drive people to that content and then get them to sign up. It kind of helps to warm them up a little bit and then get them even more excited about what you've created.
3. Leverage Your Website

The third thing you can do to get people to sign up for your freebies is to leverage your website like crazy. Place your calls to action to get people to sign up for your freebies all over your website. Make sure you have something in the sidebar which lets people know about the freebie that you've created. Make sure you create banners and calls to action at the top of your website so that people go to your website they see that you have it there.
If it's a guide that you've created, tell them about the guide and give them the call-to-action to sign up for it. You can also have pop-ups on your website. They work so well and if you're not using pop-ups you are missing a trick. Make sure you use pop-ups.
You can use really simple apps like Pop-up Ally or Sumo Me. You can create a really cute little pop-up which tells them about the freebie that you have to offer them. The popups are really good because you can change them out really easily. If you've got multiple freebies for people one week you could have one freebie being advertised, another week you could offer something else.
Another thing you can do is you can have a little box that pops up when people scroll down your website. It pops up at the bottom right-hand corner and that again can tell them all about the freebie that you have to offer. Once they are already engrossed in the content of your website, the pop-up will then pop for them.
Finally, you can also add your offer to the end of your blog post. Once they went to read your blog post you could add an image or a call to action to let them know about the freebie that you've created.
These are all really powerful things you can do to leverage your website. Make sure that if someone's coming to your website they are not going to be leaving without signing up for the freebies that you have created. You need to convert that traffic into subscribers. Make the most of your website and place those calls to action in various places.
4. Leverage Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are so powerful because you can build an amazing community of like-minded people who are interested in the message that you have to share and the things that you have to offer. If you've started to build a Facebook group, then use it and let them know about the free stuff that you're creating that they would love to get their hands on.
Whenever you’ve got a free freebie out, go into your free Facebook group and tell them all about it. Don't tell them in a kind of a salesy way. Tell them in a way that you're so excited about it and you've got this amazing thing that you've worked really hard on that you know is going to help them.
What you can also do is get them excited before it's even ready. So, for example, if you know that you are going to create a free challenge in April then before April and March, start getting them excited.
‘I've got something really excited coming that I've been working on. I cannot wait to share it with you.’
You could even share a little behind the scenes. So if you've got a workbook you've created, take a screenshot of it put a really pretty picture together and be like... so excited to share this with you... this is coming soon... I'm working on it… you're going to absolutely love it.
That's your community so excite them. Warm them up to what you have coming and then when you've created the freebie you can put it out there and they will be super excited as well.
Use your communities effectively when it comes to the free stuff you're creating to get them to sign up for what you have going on. Also because they are part of your community you could say if you have any friends that you feel would absolutely love this and would find it really valuable share it with them. Because the more people you kind of do this stuff with, the more you're going to get out of it.
Especially when doing a challenge because it's always better to do a challenge with other people. Always encourage people to share it with their friends. Get your friends involved, do this together, do it in a group.
So, definitely leverage your Facebook group if you have one.
If you're part of other Facebook groups where the people inside of that Facebook group are your target audience, you could consider sharing your offer in there but you need to make sure that you abide by the rules of that group.
Maybe they have a specific post that goes out where you can share your offers. So look out for opportunities like that too but basically, you just spread the word about what it is you're creating.
Tell your audience about it, shout it from the rooftops but again not in a salesy spamming way. But in a way that because you're so excited about it, you want them to get excited about it too.
Those are four simple things you can do to get your freebie out there. Get your freebie out there don't be one of those people who create a freebie and then don't do anything with it. Take action on these ideas.