
WordPress Plugin

DeBounce email validation plugin allows you to validate emails on all WordPress forms and make sure they really exist before submission.

Protect Your Sender Reputation with Instant Email Verification

The DeBounce WordPress Plugin helps you to build a reputable list that is free of spam and invalid emails, prevent email-entry mistakes to increase open rates, save on your marketing budget and protect your sender reputation. It’s time to take charge of your list! This plugin works perfectly in WP registration forms and integrates with most form builders.

WordPress Plugin Integrates With:

Contact From 7
Gravity Forms
Ninja Forms
WP Forms
Elementor Form

Get Real-Time Email Verification for WordPress

Setup takes 60 seconds flat.

Which Checks Does Email Validator Perform?

DeBounce uses a multi-layer checking process, with every single email going through the following testing and cleaning steps:

  • DNS validation, including MX record lookup
  • Disposable email address detection
  • Misspelled domain detection to prevent Typosquatting
  • Syntax verification (IETF/RFC standard conformance)
  • Temporary unavailability detection
  • Mailbox existence checking
  • Catch-all testing
  • Greylisting detection
  • SMTP connection and availability checking

Frequently Asked Questions

Read the list below for our frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, then don’t hesitate to contact us. We'd love to hear from you!

How does this WordPress plugin work?
The WordPress plugin uses DeBounce API to validate emails directly from your WordPress website. Using this plugin, you will never have invalid emails in your database. It works with all registration and contact forms.
What fields does this plugin check?
The plugin enhances the is_email() function of WordPress and easily integrates with it. The plugin works perfectly with:
- WooCommerce
- Contact Form 7
- Gravity Forms
- Ninja Forms
- WPForms
- WSForm
- Forminator
- Formidable Forms
- Elementor Form (Contact Form by Elementor)
- Fluent Forms
- Jetpack Forms
- WordPress Comments
- WordPress Registration Forms
- and with any other form which uses the is_email() function (no changes required).

The plugin can also be integrated into 3rd party forms that do not use the is_email() function.
Does email validation affect my IP reputation?
DeBounce doesn’t send any emails to the recipient’s address during the validation process. All processing is done on its servers, so your IP addresses and domains are not affected in any way by the DeBounce service. This means that your IP or domains never get blacklisted, since the plugin never uses them.
Does this plugin store email addresses?
DeBounce really cares about data protection and user privacy and never store any emails called from API.

What Plugins and Forms are Supported?