
Acelle Mail Email Verification Integration

Add DeBounce email validation engine into your Acelle Email platform. It's easy and can be done by following a few simple steps.


The Acelle Mail integration allows you to easily validate your email lists on Acelle Mail.

First of all, you need to have Admin access to Acelle Mail. If you do not have this permission, ask the administrator to follow these steps.

Adding DeBounce API key on Admin panel

Login to Acelle Mail administration panel. From the top menu, click "Sending" and then "Email verification servers".

Then, click on "Create New".

On the "Create new" page, you must configure the DeBounce API settings. If you do not yet have an API key, navigate to and create one. In the “Name” field, type an optional name for your DeBounce integration. Choose "" for “Service type”. Copy and paste your DeBounce API key into the "API Key field". In the “checking limit” section, set the configurations as shown in the below image. Finally, press "Save". You have now successfully added DeBounce API to your Acelle Mail platform.

Validating a List

In order to validate a list, you need to log in as a customer on Acelle Mail. After logging in, click on "Lists" from the top menu. Next, click on the list you are going to validate, then click the "Email verification" tab.

On the opened page, select "" as the validation engine and select "Start Verification Process".

Email list validation will begin shortly.