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Gist Email Verification Integration

Grab your email list from the Gist ( and verify. Use the power of DeBounce email validation engine. It's easy and can be done by following simple steps.


The Gist integration allows you to easily transfer any list from your Gist into your DeBounce account and validate them.

DeBounce is a verified partner of Gist. Find us here.

You can also use this integration to monitor Gist email lists on a daily basis using DeBounce list-monitoring (or sync) feature.

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to validate your Gist emails.

Creating Gist API key

Before starting, you need to have a Gist API key, so DeBounce can connect your Gist account and transfer the lists. We already provided a blog post that includes step by step guide and lets you know how to do that. Check the article via this link.

Importing a list from Gist

Once you have created an API key, click on "Integrations" on the left menu. Then click on the "Connect" button in front of the Gist icon.

On the next page, paste the API key you have generated from the previous step, then press the "Connect". If everything is done correctly, you will see a full list of your lists on Gist. Then click on "Import" in front of the list you are going to validate. Wait until the list is successfully transferred. You may now start validating your transferred list.

Unsubscribing bad emails from your Gist account

Once the validation process is finished, click on "Update Gist 's List". Based on analyzing results, choose what categories are you going to suppress (for example invalid, spam-trap, and disposable emails), then click on the "Update Gist 's List" button. Wait some seconds for the process to finish. Selected categories will unsubscribe from your email list on Gist.

Disconnecting Gist

After removing bad emails from your Gist, you can disconnect DeBounce and Gist. Just navigate to the "Integration" page on DeBounce and press "Disconnect" in front of the Gist logo.