
Mailbox Provider (MBP)

What is Mailbox Provider (MBP)?

A mailbox provider (MBP) is any company that provides senders with email hosting but not internet services. Although MBPs and ISPs are used interchangeably, they have different definitions. MBPs, as a generic term, comprise ISPs.

A mailbox provider (MBP) is a company that provides email hosting services to senders. MBPs are responsible for storing and managing email messages on behalf of their customers, and they typically offer a range of features and services designed to enhance the email experience, such as spam filtering, virus scanning, and web-based email access.

Unlike Internet Service Providers (ISPs), which provide both internet access and email services, MBPs focus exclusively on email hosting. This means that MBPs do not provide internet services such as broadband, dial-up, or wireless access. Instead, they specialize in providing email hosting services to individuals, businesses, and organizations.

While the terms MBP and ISP are sometimes used interchangeably, they have different definitions. An MBP is a company that provides email hosting services, while an ISP is a company that provides internet access and related services.

MBPs can include a wide range of companies, from large webmail providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and to smaller, specialized email hosting providers that cater to specific industries or niches. Some MBPs also offer additional services, such as cloud storage, online document collaboration, and video conferencing.

In summary, MBPs are companies that provide email hosting services to senders, focusing exclusively on email rather than internet access. While MBPs and ISPs are sometimes used interchangeably, they have different definitions. MBPs can range from large webmail providers to smaller, specialized email hosting companies that offer a range of features and services designed to enhance the email experience.

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