
Bounce Rate

What is Bounce Rate?

This metric evaluates the number of sent mails against the number of bounced or undelivered mails. The metric can be bounce-type specific, for instance, Hard Bounce Rate. Likewise, it can be an aggregate against all bounces versus sent mails. Bounce rates are not always accurate, considering some systems fail to clearly or accurately revert to the sender on why their emails weren’t delivered.

Estimating the Bounce Rate

When you divide the number of bounced emails by the number of emails sent and multiply the result by 100, you get the email bounce rate in the percentage form.

(# of bounces* / # of delivered emails) x 100 – your email bounce rate

‘Hard Bounce’ Explained

It is a ‘hard’ bounce when the email returns to the sender without getting to the recipient. The receiving email server usually rejects such emails. A hard bounce may be due to the following standard reasons:

Interestingly, valid email addresses may experience bounces. This is why it is essential to know how email bounce works thoroughly.

‘Soft Bounce’ Explained

Soft bounce in emailing refers to an email that has bounced back to the sender undelivered, despite being accepted by the recipient’s mail server. A soft bounce may be due to the following standard reasons:

The reasons identified above are uniform. You can easily fix them to improve your bounce rate.

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