

What is Warm-up?

Email IP warm-up is an essential process that helps senders establish their credibility and reputation with ISPs and mailbox providers. It is critical to ensure that emails sent from new domains and IPs are delivered to the recipient’s inbox and not marked as spam.

During the warm-up period, senders need to gradually increase the email volume, starting with a small number of highly-engaged subscribers and gradually adding more over time. This helps to establish a positive sender reputation and ensures that the ISPs and mailbox providers view the sender as legitimate and trustworthy.

It is important to note that the length of the warm-up period may vary depending on several factors, such as the sender’s email volume, reputation, and the recipient’s engagement with the emails. The warm-up process may last up to six weeks, during which time the sender should closely monitor their email performance, bounce rates, and spam complaints. If the sender notices any issues during this period, they should take immediate action to resolve them.

In addition to sending a slow volume ramp, senders can follow other best practices during the warm-up period to establish their credibility and reputation. These include consistently sending domain and IP addresses, sending relevant and engaging content, and avoiding spammy practices such as using misleading subject lines or sending emails to purchased lists.

Overall, email IP warm-up is a crucial process that requires careful planning and execution to ensure that emails are delivered to the recipient’s inbox and not marked as spam. By following best practices and gradually increasing email volume, senders can establish a positive sender reputation and ensure the long-term success of their email program.

You may also read: How to Warm Up Your Dedicated Email IP?

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